May 25Liked by Alan Grainger

This was awesome, Alan. You've got a way with suspense, that's for sure. Enjoyed every line--seriously. And I can already tell the end is going to stick with me for some time.

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Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

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May 24Liked by Alan Grainger

Oh wow! Oh god I feel for poor Simon. I'm not entirely sure what to say - this has honestly left me a bit speechless and utterly exhausted (in the best possible way)!

I loved the creepy setting of it and the complete entrapment of poor Simon. After the fire disappeared, I really did have such high hopes! I thought he might have been imagining it - maybe his guilt playing mind-games with him and sending him a little do-lally.

But hell, when it was clearly Josh, I felt so tingly - I was jigging on my seat, desperately trying to help poor Simon escape.

This is awesome!

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Ahh thanks Nicole, it was a little intense this one! But I think the best horror should live in the mind and play little tricks and games with you, I'm glad I managed that here. I'm glad you picked up on the guilt, I think beneath all of the firey tenty ghostly embellishments, that's what this story was about, that's the tale I was trying to tell. Sadly no escape for poor old Simon, but as I'm going camping next week hopefully I'll come out of it much better!

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Creepy! Love it. 👏

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Thank you, kind Sir.

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